Monday, December 7, 2009

Blogging Around: iMedia "Disney Princesses Hot Role Models" and Connection "Collaboration in classroom and on the court"

Response to Fatima's post:

Fatima, right back at you, I like your post. Ever since I've watched that video last year, I have been thinking about how, though I never noticed it, Disney was secretly promoting the message of "Thin and big chested = pretty" and "Women need a man to save them from distress". However, like Bill, I don't think that these are the messages that the youth absorb. Personally, I have a lot of Disney movies and loved to watch all of them. When I watched them, I was very entertained and made me happy that there was always a happily ever after. I never, until now, noticed the size of the princess' hips, waist, and chest. All I recognized was that their faces were very pretty.
Also, another thing that I've noticed is that the characters used in disney are all white. Even in Aladdin, with Indian based characters, their skin is abnormally light for Indian skin color. However, I believe Disney has noticed this too and that is why they are making a movie called "The Frog Prince" that's main characters are black.
Fatima, I'm glad you posted about this issue. This is an issue that interests me and reminds me of my childhood. From what I've gotten personally and despite what I see now, the youth doesn't notice these things about the character's body or skin color because of their innocence and lack of knowledge. Great post Fatima

Reponse to Chelsea's post.

Chelsea, I must first start by saying that you are definitely right, teamwork is a concept that is very important in all sports and life in general. However, with your connection of teamwork being in the classroom, you could even go farther and say that one uses teamwork not only in group projects but during the whole school year.
If you think about it, each student in the class room has the common goal of learning the most they can and receiving good grades. In order to maximize your learning experience and accomplish your goals, you need a class that has similar goals and is willing to work together. A class that is interested in learning will learn more because their discussions will be more active, focused, and diverse because of the discussion’s many different participators. A class like that would maximize their learning experience, get better grades as a whole, and enjoy school a lot better than a class that would have only a few participated while some slept and others talked about what they are planning for next weekend.
Teamwork and the aspiration to learn must not only exist in the classroom but outside of it as well. Personally, when there are projects or homework assigned, I call a classmate and verify that due date and my interpretation of the directions. Collaboration between students outside of school is a good thing because it keeps everyone aware of what work they have to do and creates better relationships between classmates. I believe that if a class were able to use teamwork and set up a place where students could check homework and converse regularly, (similar to what we have on Ning) we would obtain better grades and enjoy our school experience much more.
Overall Chelsea, I like the post. Teamwork is not only important in the classroom and on sports teams, but it is important theme in life. The world would truly benefit on so many levels if its citizens would adapt teamwork and make it a priority. Teamwork is the single most important idea, and when performed, it makes the world and life that much better.

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