Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Inconvenient Truth: Man exists as a result of evolution

Being a decently devout Christian and an avid biology student, Darwin's theory of evolution has always been a subject of argument and confusion in my mind. Going into my freshman year, I had been raised to believe that God made the world and its inhabitants in seven days, with men being made the last day. However, after reading Ishmael and taking a year of honors biology, I was in for a rude awakening. In Biology and in English, I was introduced to a Darwin's theory of evolution, that used man's knowledge of science to conclude that men, like every other animal before it, evolved from another species. We, I found out, came from monkeys.
This inconvenient discovery was not widely accepted following its debut in 1859 in the book "On the Orgin of Species". After his publishing, Darwin was continuely criticized and mocked. I have to give Charles Darwin some respect, it most of been really hard to publish this book and stand by his findings in such a popular chirstian society. Eventually, his findings have been accepted and are the basis of many more current discoveries.
The reason that this discovery rubs me a wrong way is because it conflicts and doesn't agree with the christian belief of man's creation, a belief that I had since I grew up. However, this isn't the only time that science conflicts with my religious beliefs. It seems that for everything Christianity states as the truth, science has something else to contradict it. Whether it be man's creation, history of Jesus, the Jews history, or even god's existence, science and religion can never agree. This puts me in a great conflict becasue I am never able to choose what side to agree with and decide which side tells the truth. My friends and I had a discussion about this issue one night while we were hanging out in a neighbor's backyard. Being all Christian, we all discussed how much of the Christian religion we believed in and how much we disagreed with and chose to believe science instead. We concluded that the Garden of Eden wasn't true, but Jesus's death and ressurection was true. Ever since that day, I am still confused and don't know what to turn to, science, or god?
Darwin, the creator of "The Theory of Evolution", I found out later was also a strict Christian. I would love to find out how he managed to balance both science and religion, and if he had a way of making their beliefs coexist. It seems as if school doesn't do a good job with balancing religion and science, partially because it is a public institute and has no offialiation with religion. I recently have heard of a school's experiment with teaching both the scientific side and the religious side of an issue. Though I'm guessing this school is a private Christian school, I believe that this is a good approach to teaching a subject. If the subject of man's creation was tought like this, through a religious view, then a scientific one, then a student would have the chioce to believe in the one he wants and wouldn't have to feel forced to agree with science's view on history.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dialectics: Friendships and Purpose

A question, in one form or another, that seems to be asked by everyone sometime in their live is, "Do I matter?" Many people experiencing life's journey want to find a way to answer "yes" and strive to find purpose or meaning to their life. Some people turn towards religion and try to become closer to god. Those people come to the belief that the physical world and life is a gift from god, and in turn, they must repay him for it by worshipping him. They also believe that they will spend the majority of their existence in heaven (or hell). Thus, they believe that their purpose in live is to thank god and make sure that they arrive at heaven after their death. Others think that one needs to accomplish something profound in their live so that they can be remembered by others. Some, like Marc Gold, live their life to serve and help others. There are a few people that choose to indulge in life's pleasures and accumulate wealth believing that the purpose of life is to live luxuriously. However, for those many that still struggle to find purpose, I suggest that they look to establish more healthy relationships and friendships.

Relationships, though as simple as they might seem, offer many benefits in life's journey. First off, relationships help you solve and recover from any hardship's in your life. Whether your relationship is with a friend, a lover, or a family member, having another person you can talk to gives one the feeling that they aren't going through life on their own. If you lack friends and comrades in your life, you begin to feel worthless and alone. This feeling of isolation starts to make you feel like there isn't meaning to your life and that you don't matter. However, if you have companions and acquaintances that you spend a lot of time with, you feel like you matter to them, making your life meaningful. The more friendly you are to others, the more others care about you and the more important to those others you become. Relationships create a strong bond between individuals that make life more enjoyable and create a more meaningful life. In my opinon, life is supposed to be shared with others, the more lasting and postive relationships you create, the more meaningful your's and others' lives are.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Blogging Around: Jordyn and Mackenzie

Here is my response to Mackenzie's Best of Week: Food Crisis:
Mackenzie, this is a big problem indeed. Living in Glenview, we live in our own personal bubble. Very little crime, always an abundance of water and food, great education, great transportation, access to a variety of stores are some of the things that we typically take for granted. Though global issues arise and we discuss them, alot of us never realize the importance of the issue because it never really affects us. The worst part of the food crisis for us is higher food prices. For some unlucky others, it's starvation and death. It is important to attempt to do your part in helping solve these issues. For example, one could not waste water or food, turn of the lights, use their car less, pick up trash, and recycle. It is sad that many of us will not really care to do these simple things until it is too late. When their faucet stops running, or their grocery stores are emptied, that will be the point when they will want to help. I can't say that I'm the "greenist" person, but I will try my best to preserve and protect our earth.

This is the response to Jordyn's imedia: Tik Tok:
First off, I am just as surprised as you that Ke$ha is actually a very smart teenager, because she comes off VERY trashy.
Like you, I also like this song, it is one of my favorites. Thinking about why I enjoy it so much, I have come to the conclusion that I like her singing and the beats that go with it. It's a song that creates energy and liveliness in a room that is almost impossible to resist. I agree, the lyrics to the song are quite trashy, but I think everyone enjoys them because they are simply so rediculous. With lyrics like "Wake up in the morning feelin' like P Diddy" and "Leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack [Daniels]", it's hard not to laugh.
But I definetly agree, Jordan, our culture keeps slowly getting trashier. Today, songs can't be popular in less they discuss sex or drinking,(Bonus points if both are mentioned). If you watch TV today, you'll often hear commercial's about erectile disfunction, enlarged prostates, tampons, push up bras. I can't help but chuckle when I saw an hour paid-advertisement for "Booty Pop", underwear that has padding to make a female's bottom look larger. Some of these things should just not be on television. Many teens today cannot have fun unless they get drunk, high, or do something stupid. Parents are slowly getting less involved in their children's life and decisions, giving their teens the freedom to do something they might regret. I predict that parents will continue to comprimise and allow their kids more unmonitered freedom. Eventually, our culture is going to become more vulgar and trashy to the point where it will be ok to drink and smoke in 5th grade.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Best of the Week: Suicide

Last Friday, our current events group discussed an article about an assisted-suicide program in Switzerland. The program was corporately ran and supplied its customers with fatal drugs in exchange for money. Our group were discussing on whether or not this business should be allowed to continue and if people could be allowed to commit suicide. Many of the group members were troubled by the fact that the business was corporately owned because it means that the owners benefit off of other's depression and death. Others also didn't like the fact that the patients felt that their only choice was to live miserably or commit suicide when really they had different options like seeking counseling or professional help. But to some that are old and truly struggling to live and live painfully, they feel it is best to end their misery.
Suicide, since it has existed, has been frowned upon by all aspects of society and now it is starting to be accepted. Many argued that suicide is a choice, if you are suffering and you no longer have any desire to live, it is your choice to day. Only you have the freedom and the right to make the decision. This seemed to make sense and as our group began to agree when Darrell brought up an excellent point. He said that he didn't agree that it was "our choice" to commit suicide. He believed that just like how one doesn't get to control whether or not you are born, you shouldn't get to control if you die. He made the point that we only have the freedom to choose "what is right". This new point seemed to spark more discussion as I later added in that it is god who control who lives and who dies. God has given us the gift of life and to throw it away by committing suicide is the ultimate sin and an insult to god. Others also brought up the point that even though you make the decision to commit suicide, your decision to kill yourself effects others, such as friends and family members. Therefore, we decided that if one were to kill themselves, they would need others consent to do so.
This discussion has made me question how much freedom one should have in his life. Personally, I believe that no one has the right to end their own or anyone else's life (I guess this makes me anti-abortion). Also, the decisions and choices you make in your life, though you may not think so all of the time, affect the others around you. Focusing on the purpose of life, I believe that the goal of life is to enjoy your life on earth and help others enjoy their own lives, while still allotting time for thanking god. With this purpose of life in mind, suicide is selfish because it destroys your life, makes other peoples' lives less enjoyable, and is a sin. Overall, this "Best of the Week" has provoked many new questions and thoughts in my mind concerning life's purpose and obligations.

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