Sunday, May 2, 2010

Metacognition: Jane Eyre Project

This year, in Academy english, our group conducted an english essay project for the rather lengthy book of Jane Eyre. Our group made rules and guidlines that demanded organization and no procrastination. Despite the rule, I still found the need to procrastinate and do the last minute work, which was not at all appreciated by my group members. I was curious as do why I most of the time find myslef doing work last minute. Perhaps, I am addicted to the stress. But I don't want to be. Life is less enjoyable with the abundance of stress and I have brainstormed some easy things I can change in order to make my life better and more stress-free.

One thing that I should have done that I didn't was plan. Planning, although very simple, is a very easy way to space out the work and avoid stressful last minute frenzies. If you plan, and follow through with the plan, then things will get done on time and life will become a lot less hectic. Planning not only makes your life more organized, but it makes you a more productive student as well. When my work time is planned out, I tend to be more focused and more efficient in my work. I am more focused because I feel I am under a time limit to get each load of work done, so I work very hard to finish the work in the allotted time. By planning, life becomes less stressful and work, more manageable.

The thing I am amazed about myself is my willingness to not plan and instead, procrastinate. This project was example of what I tend to do a lot of the times. The amount of time given to work on a project is irrelevant because I end up doing it at the last minute anyway. The question is, why I do keep doing this? Perhaps I'm addicted to the stress of last minute work. Most likely it is that I never have the desire or necessity to do homework unless it is due tomorrow or the next day. If I try to work on things in advance, it usually ends in failure. I usually spend a lot of time getting very little done because I have no focus or efficiency. However, if the due date is very near, I feel it needed to get it done and I become more focused and diligent. It's a shame that I procrastinate, especially for this book because I might have enjoyed it a lot more, understood it better, found a deeper meaning, and wouldn't have received so much stress.

Overall, if I hope to be more efficient and successful in life, I need to immediately change my habits of procrastination by planning, organizing, and following through.

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