Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Metacognition: Jane Eyre readings

For me, reading Jane Eyre was a very difficult process. First of all, I never could find a good time in the day to read it. I always would try to read it earlier in the day, but I found that I was to energetic and not focused enough to read efficiently. Thus, I decided to read in the later hours of the day. However, problems occurred here too as a lot of the times I fall asleep while reading or I would submit to temptation and put the reading off until the morning. Either time of the day I read, I couldn't seem to get the reading done. Another problem I had when trying to read Jane Eyre was picking the right day to read it. The Jane Eyre readings, to me, required a lot of time to read and annotate. Therefore, I had a difficult time being able to read the section all in one day. For the majority of the book, mostly as a result of procrastination, found myself reading the section the day before it was due. In an attempt to change my habits, I tried reading the next section days before it was due. Unfortunately, I found after taking the reading quiz that I had not remembered what I had read because of the elapsed time in between the reading and the quiz. Finding the right day and time to read Jane Eyre, though as simple as it seems, was one of the biggest problems I had. If I could change something about myself, I would make myself read more efficiently and increase my memory.

However, there were a few things that were done well when it came to reading the book. For example, I was impressed with the fact that I was able to hold on to a lot of what I read and was amazed when it came to remembering fine details. I find it very interesting how we can never choose exactly what we remember, we just simply remember. A lot of the time, I found myself recalling insignificant and minute details details while at the same time, not being able to remember a key part of the section. I also was able to read and understand Jane Eyre quicker than I do other books. When it comes to reading, I tend to not read efficiently or have my mind wander. I will be reading a section and find that it is very similar to or reminds me of something else and mind wanders off. Luckily, while reading Jane Eyre I was able to maintain focus on the text and read trough pages in a matter of minutes. If I could apply this level of focus to my other occupations and activities I believe that my life would improve greatly on all levels.

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